When cancer cells are threatened, their mutation rate increases, resulting in the development of ways to evade the immune system and become resistant to anti-cancer therapies that were previously effective
By focusing on the development of efficacious and highly selective targeted therapeutics in oncology, AUM’s goal is to advance a portfolio of precision therapeutics designed to reverse cancer resistance
The rapid pace of scientific advancement heralded by the development of molecular biology has enabled a greater understanding of cancer at a molecular level. This has opened the door to the development of targeted therapies that address precise signalling pathways or molecular aberrations. However, drug development remains a highly complex process with a stringent regulatory framework resulting in an approval process that is complex and varies across countries and regions. On an average, it takes ten to twelve years for a new medicine to complete its journey from the laboratory to the market, with the clinical trial phase alone taking six to seven years.
Our Value Creation Philosophy
By focusing on the development of efficacious and highly selective targeted therapeutics in oncology, AUM’s goal is to disrupt the Asian drug development process
Developing a pipeline of efficacious and highly selective targeted oncology therapeutics
AUM focuses on identifying and developing “niche busters“ targeting highly selective oncology therapeutics. To achieve this, validation of a drug molecules efficacy as shown by early scientific read-out of the biomarker impact is essential. Hence, AUM has a mandate of “No biomarker, No drug”. Such an approach will improve the probability of future success and increase the overall portfolio value for AUM.