Dr. Peter Lobie

Dr. Peter Lobie

  • Co-director of the Centre for Precision Medicine and Healthcare Research Centre at Tsinghua-Berkley Shenzhen Institute
  • Is the recipient of the Chinese Government Friendship Award, the highest honor given to foreigners from the People’s Republic of China
  • Has authored over 180 publications and is an international authority on molecular mechanisms of hormone action with a h-index of 55
  • Founding scientist of Perseis Therapeutics Ltd
  • He is also a founding shareholder in Wuhan Long Ke Ltd and Sinotar Therapeutics Ltd, two new entities focused on development of therapeutics to novel cancer target molecules.
  • Reviewer of more than 50 academic journals with more than 15 local and international granting agencies
  • Med.Sci. and M.B.B.S from University of Queensland, Australia